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EAOT - Exercise with oxygen therapy


The response of the cardiovascular system to the exercise aims to ensure the supply of oxygen sufficient for the
Working tissues. This is done by increasing the heart rate and lower increases in the stroke volume. The heart rate increases almost linearly with the working speed increases, with the peak value mainly according to age and State of fitness.
The relationship between the output and the exercise is non-linear, reaching a plateau at approximately 50% of the maximum amount of exercise. The end result of both changes is an increase in cardiac output from 4-6 l / min at rest, to 20-30% of L / min to a maximum effort. The increase in blood circulation is not evenly distributed, but rather, the blood was removed from organs (intestine) nonexercising, for the more active (legs, arms, the heart, the respiratory muscles). Increasesblood pressure during the year, mainly due to increases in systolic pressure without major changes in diastolic component. This increase in pressure is easily accommodated in normal individuals, but can have disastrous consequences in people who have already increased reference pressure based on hypoxemia and the underlying lung disease.


The response of the cardiovascular system to the exercise aims to ensure oxygen supply for work fabrics. This is done by increasing the heart rate and lower increases in the stroke volume. The heart rate increases almost linearly with speed work, with peak mainly according to age and State of fitness.

The relationship between the output and the exercise is non-linear, reaching a plateau at approximately 50% of the maximum amount of exercise. The end result of both changes is an increase in cardiac output from 4-6 l / min at rest, to 20-30% of L / min to a maximum effort. The increase of the blood flow is notevenly distributed, but rather, the blood is of organs (intestine) nonexercising, for the more active (the legs, the arms, the heart, the respiratory muscles). Increases in blood pressure during the year, mainly due to increases in systolic pressure without major changes in diastolic component. This increase in pressure is easily accommodated in normal individuals, but can have disastrous consequences in people who have already increased reference pressure based on hypoxemia and the underlying lung disease.


With progressive exercise, ventilation minute (VE) increases from the values of the rest of 6-8 L / min to reach values of 100-200 L / min, depending on the individual persons fitness. Increasing the VE is linear, with rhythms of work up to 50-90% of the maximum work, when it increases disproportionately. This observed increase is better explained by the onset of anaerobic metabolism (called anaerobic threshold (SA)). The occurrence of AT is related to the increased need for energy work cells. As the rate of energy production of the cells is greater than O2 utilization (availability)the passage of the oxidative pathway is made for pyruvate to lactate mechanism which, although less than energy production, allows to continue. The resultant metabolic changes in lactic acid production increased (metabolic acedosis), which stimulates further ventilation (which explains the acceleration of the pace of VE).

Local accumulation of lactic acid may help explain the pain and fatigue that individuals feel when running

intense exercise or pain frequently reported in the ricage in patients of serious charges fan.


When O2 is given to the exercise of subjects without their knowledge, the appearance of lactic acidosis was delayed. Exercise result is significant cardiovascular and respiratory changes that aim and to maintain a supply of oxygen to tissues and the elimination of the metabolic products (CO2 and organic acids). If the limitation to acute exercise is due to cardiac or respiratory reasons depends on the physiological state of the person speaking in. The crucial role played by the oxygen in the genesis of the energy required to complete a task by one of the pumps to work may be the success of oxygen therapy or EWOT.

The increased oxygen supply should in theory improve the exercise by reducing the appearance of lactic acid. Oxygen has been proven to extend the exercise when it is administered to normal individuals.


Effects on the cardiovascular system

Administration of oxygen in healthy individuals to rest results in a decrease in the heart rate and the minimal decline in cardiac output and pulmonary arterial pressure. When oxygen is administered to normal individuals during the fiscal year, it is less increase in heart rate

Effects on the respiratory system

The administration of supplemental oxygen to the normal of the specific results which are in 30-40% increase in endurance of the fabric.



Q: what is oxygen?

A: the oxygen is one of the five basic elements of life (oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, hydrogen and carbon). There are several forms of oxygen, but the formthe most common and stable oxygen e is 'O2' or diatomic oxygen.

Q: how much oxygen in the air today?

A: our breathing air used to contain more than 50% oxygen. Today, it contains only 21% oxygen

Q: why do I need oxygen?

A: our body needs for energy. 80% aerobic metabolic energy required by our body comes from aerobic metabolism directly linked to the supply of oxygen. Only about 10% of our energy comes from the foods. In simpler terms, with air enriched with oxygen (OAS), the body will metabolize food more efficiently, generate more energy and create a healthy body.

Q: how much do I need oxygen?

A: more oxygen you get today. As mentioned previously, the planet oxygen levels dropped

considerably over the years. This issue combined with our breathing techniques contribute greatly to our lack of adequate oxygen. When air enriched with oxygen (OAS) through a cannula or mask you can breathe normal air with elle. the combination of the two OAS and normal air will produce the equivalent of about 55%-65% consumed oxygen enriched air.

Q: what happens if my body does not receive enough oxygen?

A: the lack of oxygen in the breathing air your will contribute to insufficient biological energy, which can greatly

contribute what whether the slight fatigue in life threatening diseases such as cancer. The medical society has

confirmed the relationship between insufficient oxygen intake and disease.

Can Q: I breathe pure oxygen too?

A: Yes, because too much pure oxygen can be toxic to the human body. It has been proven, and medically

has confirmed that high concentrations of pure oxygen or high concentrations of pure oxygen at high pressure can cause oxygen toxicity, which can lead to lung injury or seizures.

Q: is air enriched with oxygen to improve my athletic?

A: Yes, the athletes and the sport requires huge amounts of oxygen to convert carbohydratessugars, fats and proteins into heat and energy required for their high level of activity. This conversion process is known as oxidation and oxidized (or burned) for the energy of the body are carbohydrates, sugars, fats, and proteins. However, oxygen is the 'fuel' necessary to oxidize some or all of these foods. Without the presence of oxygen, these foods oxidize (burn) very badly translated by a bad cellular reproduction and the function, resulting in insufficient energy production.

Q: is air enriched with oxygen to improve my weight management?

A: Yes, oxygen is the main fuel necessary for the oxidation (convert) carbohydrates, sugars, fats, and proteins in

energy. A lack of oxygen promotes an insufficient oxidation process (food-poor burning), which will result in a lower percentage of your food is converted into a percentage of energy and high your food become fat.

Q: what are the symptoms of lack of oxygen?

A: some symptoms of oxygen deficiency may include the following:


-Circulation problems

-Bad Digestion


Memory - loss

-Headache and muscle aches



At low concentrations

Oxygen starvation can, and is considered by the medical society of causing life-threatening such as diseases

cancer. Bacteria, viruses and the diseases it is very difficult to live and survive in an oxygen-rich environment.

Q: is air enriched with oxygen to improve my concentration?

A: Yes, the concentration is a combination of a practical exercise and good diet, which includes appropriate air oxygenated, quantities to stimulate the activity of the brain.

Q: is air enriched with oxygen to improve my ability to relax?

A: Yes, because usually when people have difficulty relaxingThis is due to some type of physical or

stress, which may or not be partially caused by the lack of oxygen in their system. Regardless of the

case may be, a source of oxygen-enriched air may relieve tensions within the organization by providing the cells with the right amount of fuel needed to create ATP to provide the body and spirit with the energy to relax and calm down the. A lack of oxygen air can cause our body hyperventilation and our hearts beating faster than normal which makes it difficult to reach a State of calm or relaxed.

Oxygen and diseases

When there is a lack of oxygen at the cellular level on vital processes required for the appropriate and adequate cell

stops and reproductive function and the cell starts to die.

Usually what happens when cells are not the required amount of oxygen glucose (converted energy) within these cells begins a process of fermentation and a chain reaction is initiated. These cells begin to live outside the fermentation of glucose stored in place of the ATP (adenosine tr)(i - phosphate) which is the energy pure creation.


Thanks to a chemical reaction between oxygen and glucose stored cells. This event creates a normal inversion of the cell metabolic cycle. These damaged cells begin to multiply and will no longer work as expected or contribute to the normal functions of the organism. These unhealthy cells become malignant or benign, and are generally classified as "tumors". Unhealthy cells themselves are considered "cancerous" oxygen deprivation can, and is considered by the medical society to cause life-threatening diseases such as cancer. However... Bacteria, viruses and the diseases it is very difficult to live and survive in an oxygen-rich environment.

oxygen therapy

Othygen therapy or oxygen therapy (long-term oxygen therapy) can benefit from the following conditions:


Lung cancer-

-Chronic evil of mountains

High-Altitude Sickness (HAPE)

-Interstitial lung disease

-From cystic fibrosis

Sequelae tuberculosis



-Neuromuscular diseases

-Sleep apnea Syndromes

Primary hypoventilation syndromes

Pulmonary hypertension-

The beginning of oxygen as a known element has begun by Joseph Priestley, who received oxygen from oxide of mercury's return in 1775. Thomas Beddoes he used for medical purposes in the 1800s. Alvan Barach was responsible for the demonstrated ability of oxygen to reverse hypoxemia and to be recognized as a therapeutic agent by portable oxygen therapy.


To understand scientific reasoning concerning the effect of oxygen on the exercise and the therapeutic indications, it is necessary to understand the physiology of gas exchange, transport of oxygen to the tissues, and the

consequences of tissue hypoxemia.

Hypoxemia is defined as a blood pressure abnormally low oxygen (PaO2). The five physiological causes

hypoxemia includea low inspired partial pressure of oxygen, ventilation-perfusion abnormal relationship (V / Q)

(mismatch), decreased diffusion capacity, hypoventilation alveolar, and right-to-left shunt. Supplimental oxygen increases its concentration in the inspired gas (FiO2) and is the main treatment for hypoxemia resulting from the first three causes. Hypoxemia of alveolar hypoventilation is best addressed by ventilation increased while a shunt true is, by definition, does not respond to oxygen.


The response of the cardiovascular system to the exercise aims to ensure the supply of oxygen sufficient for the

Working tissues. This is done in increses the heart rate and lower increases in volume.The crush increases almost linearly with the working speed increases, the peak mainly value according to age and State of fitness.

The relationship between the output and the exercise is non-linear, reaching a plateau at approximately 50% of the maximum amount of exercise. The end result of both changes is an increase in cardiac output from 4-6 l / min at rest, at 20-30% L / min to a maximum effort. The increase in blood circulation is not evenly distributed, but rather, the blood was removed from organs (intestine) nonexercising, for the more active (legs, arms, the heart, the respiratory muscles). Increases in blood pressure during the year, mainly due to increases in systolic pressure without major changes in diastolic component. This increase in pressure is easily accommodated in normal individuals, but can have disastrous consequences in people who have already increased reference pressure based on hypoxemia and the underlying lung disease.


With progressive exercise, ventilation minute (VE) increases from the values of the rest of 6-8 L / min to reach values of 100-200 L / min, depending on the individual persons fitness. Increasing the VE is linear, with rhythms of work up to 50-90% of the maximum work, when it increases disproportionately. This observed increase is better explained by the onset of anaerobic metabolism (called anaerobic threshold (SA)). The occurrence of AT is related to the increased need for energy work cells. As the rate of energy production of the cells is greater than the use (availability) of O2, the passage ofthe oxidative pathway is made for pyruvate to lactate mechanism which, although less than energy production, allows to continue. The resultant metabolic changes in lactic acid production increased (metabolic acedosis), which stimulates further ventilation (which explains the acceleration of the pace of VE).

Local accumulation of lactic acid may help explain the pain and fatigue that individuals feel when running

intense exercise or pain frequently reported in the ricage in patients of serious charges fan.

When O2 is given to the exercise of subjects without their knowledge, the appearance of lactic acidosis was delayed. Exercise result is significant cardiovascular and respiratory changes that aim and to maintain a supply of oxygen to tissues and the elimination of the metabolic products (CO2 and organic acids). If the limitation to acute exercise is due to cardiac or respiratory reasons depends on the physiological state of the person speaking in. The crucial role played by the oxygen in the genesis of the energy required to complete a task by one of the pumps to work may be the success of oxygen therapy or EWOT.



Vitamins, supplements, Protein Bars / drinks, of recovery... is that

you eat now, but you miss the key element which greatly affects the metabolism.

the use and delivery of these products, oxygen!

Oxygen is what keeps you alive, but ignore us it as a complement. Can our bodies and mind work more

effectively with oxygen booster again, absolutely! How? Why?

The blood circulation system and is probably our most neglected health of body and stimulated elements. The tissues of the body derive their power in the blood that circulates through the circulation system. If your blood is low and your system is insufficient circulation so your tissues (muscles, organs, brain, etc) will be fed an inadequate diet, lack two nutrients and oxygen. Oxygen supplementation contributes greatly to stimulate your blood circulation and systems by ensuring that they have sufficient oxygenor more that assign adequate oxygenation to perform their duties effectively and efficiently. The supply of oxygen at the cellular level improves the resistance of the tissue, recovery and resiliency. Do you have enough oxygen? How do you know if you are enough oxygen? Unlike water or food, in which your body will usually alert you thirst or hunger, deprivation of oxygen is less obvious... until it's too late! However, Altitude will warn you fairly quickly the effects of lack of oxygen and altitude can cause sickness and server at the time of death. This can occur within a 24 hour period, lack of food will take several weeks to become fatal, and the lack of water will take several days to become fatal... then what do you think is the most critical functional optimally in the body? OXYGEN is the answer!



These are the documented affects of lack of oxygen at the cellular level

• the development of cancer cells that usually turn into cancer

• The development of the disease more quickly and more often

• Maintenance of toxins in tissues

• Lack of stimulation of the outermost tissue of the heart

• Fatigue more often and for longer periods of time

• Developed low mental stimulation and

• the digestion and metabolism of bad food

Here are the effects documented the use of oxygen:

• Recovery of physical activity by 5-10 fold increase

• participation in physical activity to a higher level

• Excellent relief from altitude sickness and symptoms

• Relief of stress (stress causes a shallow breathing, which has the effect of oxygen limit consumption)

• An increase in the feeling of well-being

• more efficient metabolism

• Sleep better

• Mood enhancement


For more information, please contact us www.Oxygenez-Vous.com

A full range of equipment products and oxygen to achieve the highest potential of your training!









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